
3 mark, Stockholm, Johan III, 1590

In 1590, King Johan III had the 3 mark denomination struck in Stockholm. It is an unusual denomination, struck only in 1562 by King Erik XIV and in 1590 by Johan III. The symbols on the obverse and reverse of the coin are taken from the Swedish coat of arms.

On the obverse (front) we see the coat of arms of the Vasa family, the vase, surrounded by three crowns and on the reverse the lion of the House of Bjälbo/House of Folkung over three oblique streams. In the legend (text) on the obverse is the name and title of the mint master, Johan III, and on the reverse we can read that it is the new coin of the Kingdom of Sweden.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 123085_KMK

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