
1 öre kopparmynt, Stockholm, Ulrika Eleonora, 1719

This 1 öring coin was issued by Queen Ulrika Eleonora. The 1 öring coins issued in 1719 were mostly made from old emergency coins bearing the inscription “Publica fide”. On the coin you see here, parts of the previous minting can be glimpsed beneath the new on the reverse.

The 1 öring coins are Ulrika Eleonora’s only regular round copper coins. These were issued in the same year as the last emergency coin, “Hoppet”, the hope, was both issued and withdrawn. Like the emergency coins, the 1 öre kopparmynt coins were minted in Stockholm.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 115658_KMK

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