
1 fyrk, Stockholm, Gustav I Vasa, 1522

The coin in the display case is a ½ örtug minted in Stockholm. The ½ örtug is also called a fyrk. On the obverse (front) of the coin is a shield with a G for Gustav Vasa. The legend reads ‘GOSTA(VS) ERISO(N) G(VBERNATOR) 1522’, ‘Gustav Eriksson Riksföreståndare 1522’. The reverse with crown tells that the coin was made in Stockholm. The coin bears the year 1522 but was probably not made then but perhaps 1524-1527. The year has probably been put there to hide manipulations that Gustav Vasa did with the fine weight of the coins.
Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 106416_KMK

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