
2 daler silvermynt, Avesta, Karl XII, 1718

The ship Nicobar, which was owned by the Danish Asiatic Company, was wrecked off the south coast of Africa in 1783 as she was en route to the Danish colony of Trankebar in India. The wreck was surveyed in 1987, leading to the salvage of the largest ever find of plate coins.

5,183 plate coins were pulled out of the sea. They were obsolete coins and were sold for their metal value instead. The Riksbank in Stockholm sold the coins for export, packed in the bank’s specially made boxes. The box that was recovered contained fifty 2-daler coins dating back to 1750, worth a nice, round 100 daler silvermynt.

Other 2 daler plates like this one were minted for King Karl XII at the Avesta mint in 1718.

Image rights: Jens Mohr, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 123215_KMK

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