
100000 kronor, Aktiebolaget Elektrolux, 1954-11-15

Elektrolux (since 1957 Electrolux) was founded by Axel Wennergren in 1919. Unlike many other successful large Swedish companies, Elektrolux was aimed directly at consumers and not at other companies. The company is best known for vacuum cleaners, which were usually sold by travelling salesmen. Axel changed his surname to Wenner-Gren as early as 1919, and his famous ‘sales bible’ from 1924 was used by the door-to-door salesmen for a long time. He left the company in 1956 and died virtually penniless in 1961.

Among the products Electrolux has manufactured over the last hundred years are white goods, kitchen appliances, catering solutions, industrial machinery, interior design products and agricultural machinery. Today, Electrolux mainly manufactures white goods.

Image rights: Aktiebolaget Elektrolux, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 3505_KMK

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