
Plate, Rörstrand's porcelain factory, 1760

This plate was made at the Rörstrand porcelain factory, probably sometime during the 1760s. The plate forms part of a set of four similar plates that were found during the surveys in the Gubben district in Norrköping.

The plate is made of faience, which is a kind of earthenware covered with a layer of glaze, usually consisting of white tin glaze. Sweden was inspired by France during the Rococo period. This is evidenced by the choice of motifs on the faience, where nature is very important, and the artefacts are decorated with plant motifs. More colours are also starting to be used in the decoration.

The plate you see here shows Neptune, the god of the sea, surrounded by water-spouting tritons (fish people). There are two trees on either side. Unlike other decorations, which are painted on with a brush, the crowns of the trees are sponged on by dipping a sponge in paint and printing patterns on the surface. The plate is also labelled with a price: a set of 12 plates cost for 7½ daler kopparmynt.

Image rights: Jens Mohr, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 1374174_HST

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