
1 krona, Tumba, Sveriges riksbank, 1874

A krona divided into 100 öre was introduced in 1873, replacing the riksdaler national coin, which had been divided into öre since 1855. However, the issuance of one-krona coins in the new denomination did not begin until 1875.

Printing banknotes was faster than minting coins. So in the interim, from 1874 to 1875, the one-krona banknotes were issued as paper notes. These were similar to their predecessors, the 1 riksdaler riksmynt, with the old Riksdag symbols for the nobility, clergy, burghers and peasants. At the top is the Great Coat of Arms with two lions holding the shield.

Image rights: Sveriges riksbank, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 803190_KMK

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