
Penning, Svealand, Knut långe, 1229–1234

This coin shows a crowned head. The inscription reads KANVTVS, Knut, which stands for Knut the Tall, who reigned from 1229 until his death in 1234. Judging by his nickname “the Tall”, Knut Holmgersson the Tall was a big man. Another of his coins with a crowned head bears the inscription ARVSAR, Aros, which has been interpreted as meaning Östra Aros (what is now Uppsala) as the place where the coin was minted.

This specimen was found as part of a hoard together with several other Svealand pennings from the time of Knut the Tall. This hoard was found when a cemetery wall in Eskilstuna, Södermanland, was demolished in 1879.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 100495_KMK

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