
1 dukat, Stockholm, Stockholm, Gustav III, 1778

This 1774 ducat may be made of gold from a Migration Period hoard dating back to around AD 400–550.

A gold hoard was found in the grounds of Tureholm Manor in Södermanland in the summer of 1774. The hoard weighed more than 12 kilos and included bangles, neck rings and fastenings. The owner, Count Bielke, reported the find to the state so that he could receive compensation for it. The Bankälla hoard from Västergötland, which also dated back to the Migration Period, was sent to the Royal Mint to be melted down so that the state could afford to pay for part of the Tureholm hoard.

Later that same year, some of the artefacts from the Tureholm hoard that had not been submitted for compensation were also handed in by Bielke so that they could be melted down. 2473 ducats were struck in 1774 using the gold from the two hoards.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 116669_KMK

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