
Örtug, Gotland, Visby, uncertain authority, 1380–1420

The island of Gotland introduced the denomination örtug with the value of 12 pennings already around 1340. This was about 30 years before they began to be minted on the mainland under Albrecht of Mecklenburg. On the örtug, it is stated for the first time that it comes from the city of Visby's own mint. German Hanseatic merchants worked in the town.

On one side of the coin is the German lily and on the other the coat of arms of the city of Visby, a lamb with a banner, the Lamb of God. The inscription reads: ‘MONETA CIVITATIS’ and continues with ‘WISBVCENCIS’. It means the mint of the city of Visby, the place where the coin was made.

The coin in the display case is slightly smaller than the first ones issued and is estimated to have been minted in the years 1380 or 1390 to 1420.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 105755_KMK

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