
2 mark, Stockholm, Gustav I Vasa, 1557

The 16 öre or 2 mark denomination was first minted at the Svartsjö mint between 1543-1544. After 1544 there was a long break and the denomination began to be minted again in Stockholm at the end of Gustav Vasa's reign between 1556-1560. The coin in the display case was minted in 1557.

The denomination's motifs are the same from Svartsjö and Stockholm. The obverse (front) shows the crowned coat of arms and a vase in the heart shield. The inscription reads ‘BEATVS QVI TIMET DOMINVM’, ‘Bless him who fears the Lord’. The reverse has a square with a six-line inscription with foliate ornamentation on the sides. Above the square is the year 1557 and below it is the denomination XVI ÖRE (16 öre). The inscription reads ‘GOSTAVS D G SWECORUM GOTTORVM WANDALORVM Q 3 REX’, describing the king as the king of the Swedes, the Goths and the Wends.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 107142_KMK

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