
1 daler, Stockholm, Gustav I Vasa, 1559

The coin you see in the display case is a daler made at the Stockholm mint in 1559. The 1559 daler is the last daler minted by King Gustav Vasa, struck the year before his death on 29 September 1560. The denomination was minted in a relatively small edition of 9500 pieces.

The coin depicts an ageing king with a long, bushy beard. He is otherwise depicted with the usual royal attributes such as armour, crown, sword and orb. Below the king is the great coat of arms. On the reverse (back), the saviour is shown in a cloak.

The Latin inscription reads ‘SALVATOR MUNDI ADIVVA NOS’ - ‘Saviour of the world help us’. It is likely that an artist from the Netherlands, Wilhelm boy, produced the model. The artist was also responsible for the King's tomb in Uppsala Cathedral.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 107314_KMK

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