
2 mark, Stockholm, Ulrika Eleonora, 1719

This 2 mark coin was struck for the coronation of Queen Ulrika Eleonora in Uppsala Cathedral on 17 March 1719. The coin is what is known as a largesse coin: these were distributed to the public at the coronation. This tradition took shape in the 17th century and was a way for the sovereign to show off their wealth and generosity.

On the obverse (front) of the coin we see Ulrika Eleonora, along with her name and title: “ULRIKA ELEONORA D(EI) G(RATIE) REG(INA) SVEC(IAE)” – “Ulrika Eleonora, by the grace of God Queen of Sweden”. On the reverse (back) is the North Star, which was the personal emblem of her father, King Karl XI, and the inscription “SECURA FUTURI” – “Secure for the future”.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3121175

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