
Paper token from Barnängen clothing factory

These paper tokens were used as cash in the factory area at the Barnängen clothing factory in Stockholm. They were probably used as payment to the workers due to a lack of money in society.

The company ‘Barnängens manufactur’ was established in 1691 and during the 18th century was at times Stockholm's largest workplace with over 700 employees. Eric Salander, who signed the token, leased the factory from 1735 and became its owner in 1745.

He had a major impact on Swedish economic policy and favoured protectionism and tariffs. Salander believed that workers should be paid so little that they remained poor: ‘otherwise they work for nothing’. The factory work was done by hand and the company was outcompeted by mechanised weaving mills in the late 18th century and closed in 1826.

Image rights: Erik Salander Barnängens Fabrik, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (PDM)

Object number: 600245_KMK

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