
4 penning, Svartsjö, Gustav I Vasa, 1546

The 4-penning coin is mentioned together with the lower denomination 2 penning in a coinage order from 1543. Under Gustav Vasa, 4-pennings were minted between 1545 and 1550 at the mint at Svartsjö Castle. During the last year of Gustav Vasa's reign, 1559 and 1560, production was resumed in Stockholm. The 4-penning, which is a silver coin, had a low silver content, its grain was only 125/1000 and the coin weighed about 0.97 g.

On the obverse (front) side, a three-crowned shield is seen in a leaf formation. The obverse legend mentions that Gustav Vasa was King of Sweden. The reverse of the coin features a motif of the coat of arms of the Vasa family within a leaf formation. The reverse legend (text on the back) reads ‘INSIGNIA REGNISWE GOT WAN’, which means ‘coat of arms of the kingdom of the Swedes, the Goths and the Wends’.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 107074_KMK

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