
2 riksdaler, Stockholm, Karl X Gustav, 1654

The portrait of King Karl X Gustav in profile is depicted on this double riksdaler. Of his clothing, we can see a large, horizontal lace collar over the armour, the breastplate. Around the portrait we see the king’s title:
“CAROLUS GUSTAVUS DECIMUS D(EI) G(RATIE) REX SVECORUM” – “Karl the Tenth Gustav, by the grace of God, King of the Swedes”.

On the reverse we see the large Swedish coat of arms together with the king’s motto:
“IN IEHOVA SORS MEA IPSE FACIET” – “in the Lord my destiny, he himself shall do it”. After the motto, we see 1654, the year in which the coin was minted, in Roman numerals MDCLIV, followed by two glow hooks, the mark of mintmaster Michael Hack. Michael was master of the Stockholm mint from 1652 to 1658.

The double riksdaler was struck for over a century, from the days of King Karl IX in 1609 to Fredrik I in 1727.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 111719_KMK

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