
1 öre, Säter, Gustav II Adolf, 1627

This coin is one of the first round copper coins minted in Sweden. By 1627, round coins had been produced in Säter, Nyköping and Arboga instead of the square klippe coins. The round coins were in the denominations quarter öre, half öre and öre. When the copper klippe coins became invalid in 1629, they could be redeemed for the copper round coins. A one-öre coin would still weigh 28.3 grams. There was no engraver in Säter, so the minting rollers were made in Nyköping. But at the end of 1628, Säter got its own engraver - Petter Michelsson.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 3118893

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