
Örtug, Västerås, Erik av Pommern, 1396-1439

This örtug minted for Erik of Pomerania is not the same as his other coins. According to the inscription MONETA AROSIENSIS, it was minted in Västerås (Västra Aros).

The obverse (front) of the coin features a shield bearing three crowns and the inscription REX REX ERICVS (King King Erik). On the reverse (back), the letter A, which represents the mint, is on a cross. It could be what is known as an Ave Maria monogram – a symbol of the Virgin Mary. The reason for the Ave Maria monogram and writing REX twice is unclear.

The reverse of this type of coin usually has a crowned E, which stands for King Erik. This coin is extremely rare, which indicates that it was issued in very small numbers.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 104135_KMK

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