
1 riksdaler, Stockholm, Fredrik I, 1721

This is Sweden’s first official anniversary coin. It was issued in 1721 by King Fredrik I on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of Gustav Vasa’s war of liberation fought between 1521 and 1523.

This war resulted in a break with the Nordic Union as Sweden became independent. On this coin, we see both King Gustav Vasa and his descendant Gustav II Adolf together with the inscription: “In remembrance of the restoration of freedom and religion” (translated into English).

Anniversary coins and commemorative coins have been struck on the occasion of memorable events since 1721 and have always been valid as means of payment. Their purpose is and always has been to raise awareness of a memorable event both at the time of issue and to help future generations to remember.

More than 60 anniversary coins and commemorative coins have been struck since 1721. Three anniversary banknotes were also issued in the 20th century.

Image rights: Helena Bonnevier, Ekonomiska museet - Kungliga myntkabinettet/SHM (CC BY 4.0)

Object number: 115716_KMK

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